Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Services
Blind and Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Services
Blind Rehabilitation Services Outpatient Clinics
Intermediate and Advanced Low Vision Clinics
Intermediate Low Vision Clinic (ILVC) services are provided by an eye care provider and low vision therapist working together in an interdisciplinary team to provide low vision care. There is a spectrum of low vision devices available for the Veteran’s rehabilitation treatment plan.
Advanced Low Vision Clinic (ALVC) services are provided by an eye care provider as well as blind rehabilitation specialists and other support services working together in an interdisciplinary team to provide low vision care. In addition to low vision care orientation & Mobility (O&M), Computer Assistive Technology (CAT) and Activities of Daily Living/Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL/IADL) assessment and training are also available.
- Blind Rehabilitation - Intermediate Low Vision Clinic (IVLC)
- Blind Rehabilitation - Advanced Low Vision Clinic (ALVC)
Vision Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR)
VISOR is an outpatient clinic in which eye care providers and blind rehabilitation specialists and other support services work together in an interdisciplinary team to provide low vision care. In addition to low vision care orientation & Mobility (O&M), Computer Assistive Technology (CAT) and Activities of Daily Living/Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL/IADL) assessment and training are also available. While a Veteran or active duty Servicemember is undergoing an episode of care at a VISOR Program, the VA medical facility may provide temporary lodging at either a VA Fisher House or other temporary lodging facility, as appropriate. Those who use temporary lodging to participate in the VISOR program must be able to perform basic activities of daily living independently, including the ability to self-medicate. Veterans who are visually impaired are eligible for this program that may last up to nine days.
For more information, contact the VIST Coordinator at your local VA facility.
Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS)
BROS provide a wide array of blind rehabilitation including assessments and therapeutic training in low vision, ADL/IADL, computer assistive technology and orientation and mobility. Not all Veterans with visual impairments are capable of receiving rehabilitation training in an inpatient setting because of inability to perform ADL, medical instability or family situation. Vision and blind rehabilitation services are provided in outpatient clinics, hospital, residential, community, workplace and education settings.
For more information, contact the VIST Coordinator at your local VA facility.
Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST) Coordinators
VIST Coordinators follow a model of lifetime care coordination offered to all Veterans with visual impairment who are eligible to receive services. VIST Coordinators assess (at least annually), coordinate and review the Veteran’s rehabilitation and adjustment needs and determine the type and intensity of services needed, based upon clinical judgment and the Veteran’s goals.
Visual Impairment Services Teams are established at the local VA medical centers. Led by the VIST Coordinator, VIST members collaborate to facilitate and enhance the provision of rehabilitation services where deemed appropriate. VIST representatives include, but are not limited to: Social Work, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Prosthetics, Primary Care, Vocational Rehabilitation, Library Service, Nursing, Audiology, Podiatry, Dietetics, Psychology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) and Veteran Service Organizations (VSO).
Visual Impairment Centers to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) Program
The VA Optometric Service Visual Impairment Center to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) program provides team-based low-vision rehabilitation services to Veterans with a visual impairment from a large service area covering numerous VA medical facilities, as in a VISN.
Visual Impairment Centers to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) unique team approach to vision rehabilitation uses the disciplines of optometry, ophthalmology, social work, psychology and low vision therapists. VICTORS provides rehabilitation through definitive medical diagnosis, functional vision evaluation, prescribing and training in use of low vision aids, counseling and follow-up.
VICTORS Locations:
- Northport, New York
- Palo Alto, California