Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Services
Visual Impairment Centers to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) Program
The Visual Impairment Center to Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS) concept was developed to complement existing inpatient Blind Rehabilitation Centers (BRCs) to care for Veterans with significant visual impairment (20/70 to 20/200 or worse visual acuity and/or significant visual field loss). The interdisciplinary VICTORS outpatient program represents a unique team approach to vision rehabilitation using the disciplines of optometry, ophthalmology, social work, psychology and low vision therapists. VICTORS provides rehabilitation through definitive medical diagnosis, functional vision evaluation, prescribing and training in use of low vision aids, counseling and follow-up.
There are currently 3 VICTORS programs:
- Palo Alto, CA
- Northport, New York
Veterans interested in this program should contact the VIST Coordinator in the VA facility nearest their home.